Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can anxiety, amke you questionable?

Can anxiety, amke you questionable?
Yes it can. I used to suffer from anxiety. It definitely have a hold on my energy. I used to sit and cry at my steering joystick after coming home from work because I was too shaky to get out of my coup¨|. Often times, depression goes along next to anxiety and it can make you surface weak, after they all work against respectively other. My GP put me on anti-anxiety/anti-depressive meds (non-habit forming type) and I bounced back near a fury. See your doc. Good luck!
anxiety is stressful... stress weakens your immune system
NO! It can brand you "feel" weak, but it cannot fashion you weak. How a being "feels" is different than what a person really is. Don't consent to your "feelings" control what you do in your go. Feelings are important, but agree to your brain tell you how to traffic.
True anxiety can cause physical symptoms despite it anyone a psychological condition. Is it anxiety attacks or is it panic attacks? Hopefully it hasn't escalated to any level.
Check out this website for more info on the difference of the two and what they aim and how they can affect you:
Good luck!
anxiety can make you weaker or stronger (for a short time)
yes it can within more ways then you know, it lead to alot of health problem. check out this source

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