Friday, October 22, 2010


Hi, hm i bought some food today, it was put into a plastic foam container, but the food be hot and it diformed the container, so in baggage i was wondering if the particle of the plastic could be a carcinogen, or would be a candidate for carcinogen, or would some how be related, gratefulnessCarcinogen?
If it was a plastic container and the food be hot enough to disfigure the container, then the carcinogenic chemicals can to be sure be released into the food.
I would be pretty upset with the moron who put food that hot contained by an unsuitable container.
Here is a link below that explains the different types of adjectives food/drink plastics and the danger level of the different kinds.
It's from National Geographic, so I am pretty sure they hold a better idea more or less carcinogenic plastics as opposed to a tube show (mythbusters) with to be exact sponsered by chemical companies who make ziploc heaps and things like that.
No plastic is completely undamaging at high temps, but some are worse than others.
No, specifically just a myth, plastic is not toxic when heated

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