Monday, October 25, 2010

Chest discomfort?

Sudden stabbing pain beneath armpit, started to slowly go away after 5 days. Now does not hurt but one and only if I press on the spot where the aching initially came from. If I be you were my doctor, what would you say aloud?Chest discomfort?
I'm no doctor. From what you say I would suspect it be a lymph node reacting to an infection. But again, I ain't no doctor!
Lymph nodes are located below your arms. Typically they will swell and become a hard mesh if they are reacting to an infection. They are also located beneath your jaw and contained by your groin. I've had single lymph nodes become sore from time to time and they hurt similar to - well.
I study the ticker section - hold heart problems and think I might know how to keep someone from waiting too long to seize checked.
If you are worried about heart problems, what your discussion about doesn't nouns like ticker to me but I ain't no doctor! I've included a connection to the American Heart Association symptoms of a heart attack. Even if your not having one, it's devout to know. If you look at my answers you will see several posts that sounded like they be having tangible problems. I
It's far far better to get your ticker checked, be dismayed and find out it's nothing than not to and find out that it be ( if you live long enough).
no DR. HERE, it could be caused by stress or a strained muscle or frequent other things. MY ADVICE is find you a doctor and find out for sure. these symptoms are nothing to play guessing games next to.

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