Monday, October 25, 2010

Constant reciprocal and body throbbing?

breathing problems, anti flamitories,morpine patches steroides anti biotics blood thinners none help someone sugested phseudo gout but no pain nouns medication helps hand and fingers swell no energy or strength to do anything even though im only49 i perceive like a crippled 149 year outdatedConstant reciprocal and body throbbing?
I had similar problems and the doctors could not find any answers. I be later diagnosed beside hepatitis C. The first symptoms are fatigue, joint aching, etc. I was 39 when I be diagnosed, I felt approaching 89. Hep C has masses symptoms that affect things outside the liver. It can also cause autoimmune issues similar to the joint & body dull pain. I'm no doctor, but I am suggesting you get tested if you own any risk factors (blood transfusions prior to 1992, tattoos, piercings, IV drug use even solitary one time, needlesticks (medical field related), dialysis, sharing toothbrushes or razor, risky sex where blood is exchanged). Hepatitis B can also produce duplicate problems, and that is transmitted blood to blood approaching Hep c but also includes sexual activity.
Best wishes to you; I hope you find out what is ailing you, later at least you can start improving.
well i know if i be you i would go online to temper cures by kevin u cant miss the web verbs and hes offering both books for the cost of shipping only, doesent nouns like u hold a hole lot of options disappeared, i know u will benefit from his book i have , stop drinking soda!!colloquial calcium coral from owk. japan do it ! u will be relieved from the pain read his book

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