Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can herpes be previous down from equals to colleagues?

Can herpes be previous down from equals to colleagues?
No. Herpes is NOT genetic like green eyes or curly tresses and it's NOT in the blood close to HIV or hepatitis is. This is why people beside herpes can still donate blood.
Herpes can be passed from a mother to a child during birth, but this is because of the DIRECT skin to skin contact. As the baby is coming through the birth conduit it can rub against herpes sores that the mother may have which can raison d`¨otre the baby to contract the virus. Being born beside herpes is EXTREMELY rare though and can be avoided by have a C-section if the mother is having an outbreak during transport.
yes it is possible =but todays ways it doesn't have to be that course
No! herpes is only transmitted through intercourse..it can't be passed on by genarations! Strange! ask a DR !

It is transmitted from your partner solely ! if She or He has it..you will sure to be have it too! use a Condom for protection.

And it can also be transmitted when having Oral Sex.
What's Worse ! at hand is no cure for it! you will have it for as Long as you live! untill they might come up beside a cure for it.
Go to yahoo Health.com to read about it.
Herpes is a contact disease; not by blood relation.
Herpes is not genetic, however it can be transferred to a newborn during birth. Most mothers who have herpes will enjoy c-section.
no..its not hereditary,,
You can take it only from contact beside an infected area.

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