Saturday, October 16, 2010

Can tonsilitis slay?

av had tonsilitis for a bit powerfully 3 years and am begginning to worry wat should i doCan tonsilitis slay?
This depends what is cause the tonsillitis. If it is staff then yes if the staff infection spills over into your blood you can become septic and die. I just now had my tonsils out and it be the worse surgery I have ever have. A day after the surgery I be in the hospital for an infection and difficulty breathing. About 8 days after the surgery I have a bleed and ended up rear legs in the hospital.
no it can't murder
No it can't. I've had it for going on for the same amount of time and when I be first diagnosed with it my doctor said it be my choice if I wanted to remove my tonsils or not. It wasn't crucial.
Having swollen tonsils won't kill you but if the common sense they're swollen is an infection like strep later yes it can. Strep infections can cause complications beside your heart and kidneys, if you haven't been tested to see if there's a chronic strep infection move about get checked out.
have tonsillitis for that long can get you a tonsillectomy, and that doesn't waste, usually.
what can kill is if the infecting organism go down into your heart valves and infects those. it's call rheumatic heart disease.

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