Friday, December 2, 2011

Could I be anemic?

I have be on my period for 6 straight months and I've be seeing doctors about it. I've be tested for anemia and they say I'm not anemic, but I've notice something really strange. I'm tan because I lay out contained by the sun a lot. But surrounded by the parts that don't get any sun I'm completely white. And very soon my areolas on my boobs are just as white as the surrounding skin. This merely happened just this minute. Is this a sign that I'm becoming anemic?Could I be anemic?
You could becomming anemic and when they tested your blood you were'nt ,but you should get checked again b 4 i get real fruitless.
If your blood tests report that you are not anemic, afterwards you are not anemic.
I don't think anyone on your period for 6 months is run of the mill, first of all. There is probably something wrong here. And I have no clue why your areolas would be white, but if they only just changed recently than that's not middle-of-the-road for you. In other words, you're going to need to step to the doctor and get these things checked out to gain some diagnosis of what's wrong. If the tests come up negative for anemia, next you're not anemic, but it could be another medical condition. So get that checked out!
Good luck.
**Is it possible the constant bleeding be caused by your birth control? And did you achieve checked for any STDs or a thyroid condition? Those could be possibilites..and i don't know if you've been tested for adjectives of those, if not I would try anyway.

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